miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Don Carlos - The Mighty Diamonds Meets Don Carlos & Gold At The Channel1 Studios 1993

1) Right Time [The Mighty Diamonds]
2) Why Me Black Brother Why [The Mighty Diamonds]
3) Shame And Pride [The Mighty Diamonds]
4) Gnashing Of Teeth [The Mighty Diamonds]
5) Them Never Love Poor Marcus [The Mighty Diamonds]
6) I Need A Roof [The Mighty Diamonds]
7) Go Seek Your Rights [The Mighty Diamonds]
8) Have Mercy [The Mighty Diamonds]
9) Natural Natty [The Mighty Diamonds]
10) Africa [The Mighty Diamonds]
11) Natty Dread Have Him Credential [Don Carlos & Gold]
12) Ginalship [Don Carlos & Gold]
13) Come In Girl [Don Carlos & Gold]
14) Ride On Christine [Don Carlos & Gold]
15) Jamaica Woman [Don Carlos & Gold]
16) Dice Cup [Don Carlos & Gold]
17) Rain All Night [Don Carlos & Gold]
18) Hog And Goat [Don Carlos & Gold]
19) Oh Girl [Don Carlos & Gold]
20) Untrue Girl [Don Carlos & Gold]

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